Spatiphyllum Sweet Lauretta Sticker

The Spathiphyllum Sweet Lauretta is an easy, air-purifying houseplant. With its large, fluted leaves and striking white flowers, this houseplant catches the eye immediately. The Spathiphyllum is also known as spoon plant or peace lily. The houseplant owes both nicknames to the white sheaths/bracts of its flowers. In fact, these leaves resemble white flags (the symbol of peace) and in terms of their shape they are like spoons. The name Spathiphyllum is derived from the Greek "Spath," meaning spoon, and "phyl," meaning leaf.

Originally, the spoon plant comes from South America, where it grows among other plants in the Amazon. In Europe, we see this beautiful appearance mainly as a houseplant. Thanks to its unusual appearance and easy care, it has been a popular houseplant here for a long time.


Height +/- 95 cm
Basket included 22 cm
Position Half shade, shadow
Needs a lot of water
FSI certified

Spatiphyllum Sweet Lauretta

Spatiphyllum Sweet Lauretta



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