Tea gift Cheerful
Tea gift Cheerful
Tea gift Cheerful
Tea gift Cheerful

Surprising someone is always fun! With this 'Cheerful tea' you will make every tea lover happy. The tea (50 gr) consists of a mix of green tea with apple, peach and flower petals, which is good for about 20 cups of tea or 10 pots. In addition, this gift consists of delicious chocolate chocs.

- Green tea, with petals, apple and peach
- Chocolate chocs, 5 pcs.
- Tea strainer
- Paper filters, 3pcs.

Ingredients: Green tea Misty Green (35%), apple pieces, green tea (15%), peach pieces, rosehip peels, natural aroma, rose and sunflower petals

Tea gift Cheerful

Tea gift Cheerful



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