Wedding flowers

Wedding bouquet Jana

Wedding bouquet Jana

Wedding bouquet Jana, with its bright combination, is a lovely surprise for a brand new bride and groom


  • Wedding bouquet Jana small
  • Wedding bouquet Jana medium
  • Wedding bouquet Jana large
Wedding bouquet SabineWedding bouquet Sabine

Wedding bouquet Sabine

Wedding bouquet Sabine is ideal for congratulating someone on their wedding day.

A wedding is one of the most special moments in a couple's life. You celebrate the connection and love together. To contribute to this love, you want to show your affection and warmth as a colleague, family member or friend. The best way to do that is with our wedding flowers from

Congratulations on your wedding day!

Convey your congratulations with these beautiful flowers for a wedding. There is a wide choice of wedding flowers. Red or white roses are always a success or go for a generous bouquet with flowers such as the germini and the dianthus.

Do you want to put the bridal couple in the spotlight? Then go for a bouquet with chocolate, or even better: a bouquet with chocolate and a bottle of wine! For a smashing success, go for the wedding flowers with chocolate and cava. Complete the whole with a personal congratulation in the form of a card. Convey your warm wishes to the happy couple: a small effort that means a lot. Are you already familiar with our love bouquets? These are also suitable bouquets to give for this occasion.

Are you going to give these beautiful flowers at a wedding?

How nice is it to order your wedding flowers on time, so that you can be sure that you will not forget it? You can easily order these flowers for a wedding online and deliver them directly to the happy couple. Does the happy couple go on their honeymoon first? Please check the date of return, so that the flowers are delivered on the correct date. When they come home, they will reflect on this beautiful day with your flowers.

With a few clicks you have selected the perfect flowers and set the delivery date. Our local florists ensure that the flowers are delivered fresh and carefully packaged. Order your 'congratulations on your wedding day flowers' online now and surprise the happy couple with a beautiful bouquet.

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